18. Caleta San Juanico

Caleta (Cove) San Juanico lies approx. 18 miles north of Isla Coronados and offers beautiful coral reefs, fascinating geological formations for hiking and photography. The large bay offers good wind protection, but no protection from other boats that want to sink you. Whilst we were walking along the beach, suddenly another guy, who anchored directly next to us, wanted to take off and as he set sail with his sail completely hoisted his trimaran got out of control and he rammed us.

Many sailing boats visit San Juanico because of the Cruiser's Shrine Tree, a tree directly on the beach in the cove which is hung with all kinds of objects. People leave their boat names and dates when they visited San Juanico, written on dried cacti, shells, stones, wooden planks, tortoise shells or other kind of items they bring with them or find within the bay. Some of the treasures include poems or wisdom sayings.